Governors Information

The Full Governing Body (‘FGB’) meets four times a term.  The meeting is chaired by our Chair of Governors supported by the Vice-Chair as necessary.

The Terms of Reference, giving the scope of authority of FGB, are published on this website, and minutes of recent meetings are available upon request. Any confidential discussions are recorded in ‘Part 2’ minutes, which are not published – if you’d like to know more about this, please leave a message for the Chair of Governors at the school office.  Individual governor terms of office are also set out on this site.

Dates of forthcoming meetings are in the meeting calendar. The Cycle of Business sets out the expected content and discussion / decision points of each meeting across the school year. We also publish details of governor attendance at each meeting.

All members of the Hayward’s community are welcome to attend any FGB meeting as observers.

If you are planning to come to one, you don’t have to let us know in advance but it does help (as sometimes we have confidential matters to discuss, so knowing about observers in advance helps us to plan the agenda). If you are able to let us know in advance that you’re going to be attending an FGB meeting, please email or ring the school office on 01363 772970.

You can read a summary of the activities of the Hayward's Governing Body over the past academic year below.