Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Spring 2022

During the first half of Spring 2022, our English text was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The children loved reading and listening to parts of the story and we used this as inspiration for lots of different styles of writing.

During the sequence, we particularly focused on using expanded noun phrases, subordinating conjunctions and a range of sentence starters to vary our writing. We also learnt about similes and tried to include adverbs.

We tried to write in the style of Roald Dahl to:

  • continue a part of the story.
  • write a message that would have been on a Golden ticket.
  • write a character description for a new character that we had created.
  • write a setting description for a new room in the chocolate factory that we had designed.

We also designed our own Wonka-style sweet and wrote an advert for it.

You can read some of our writing below.

Golden Ticket Message:

Character Description:

Setting Description:

Sweet advert: