English in Year 3

In Year 3, we work hard to recap the basics of writing learnt in Key Stage One, as well as learning some more technical grammar features, such as: simple, compound and complex sentences; adverbials and using a wider range of co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions.

In our learning, we unpick a good writing model and the features that make it a successful piece. We practise our writing as a class, with a partner and independently to work towards a final outcome that we can be proud of. Also, we use drama and memorable experiences to enhance our learning. 

We work on developing our joined handwriting and move towards writing in pen.

All children have access to the Accelerated Reader scheme to encourage a love of independent reading and we share a wide range of high-quality texts throughout the year.

At the beginning of each half-term, children are given a list of 9 spelling words to learn at home during the half-term. They will be tested on these at the end of every half-term.

Here are some of the texts that we share as a class:


Here is an example of excellent handwriting:          Here is an example of a successful writing outcome:


Year 3 spellings for the year: