
Our vision for Maths at Hayward's


At Hayward’s, we strive for all children to develop a positive attitude to Maths as an interesting and valuable subject; we do not want children to fear Maths yet have a belief that they can achieve highly.

We strive for all children to become confident when talking about their mathematics, using reasoning – apparatus, diagrams and explanations – to show their understanding; we have high expectations of children’s use of mathematical language.

We strive for all children to understand that Maths is not only the quick recall or computation of number facts – although these are fundamental – but that it is the considered thought and application, using what they know to work through a problem; we want children to feel confident when solving problems and develop a tool kit of problem-solving strategies which they can use inside and outside the classroom.

We strive for all children to develop a range of efficient strategies – their own tool kits – and make choices about how to use their maths; we want children to make decisions and explain them.

We strive for all children to feel challenged but enthused by Maths; we want every child to enjoy and succeed as Mathematicians, understanding its very important place in our world.

We strive for our lessons to be filled with discussion, questioning and exploration.

We strive for all children to embrace struggle/challenge and be comfortable with not getting everything right.



Maths lessons at Hayward’s include the following:

  • Daily fluency for knowledge recall
  • Reasoning and problem-solving activities, which are incorporated into the maths lessons to develop and deepen mathematical thinking
  • Good quality teacher modelling
  • Apparatus
  • Children responding to questions in full sentences so that everyone understands them
  • Children having the opportunity to discuss and challenge their thinking
  • Connective model:

Teachers will draw from a range of mathematical sources, including NRICH and White Rose Maths.

Care is taken by the teacher to ensure appropriate activities are given to deepen and support a level of understanding amongst the pupils.

Pictures, words, numbers, objects and other mathematical resources are used to help children explore, solve and demonstrate mathematical ideas and deepen their understanding.

Resources are readily available in each classroom to assist children with developing or demonstrating their understanding. 

Careful consideration has been given to the Hayward’s calculation policy, which is used to ensure a consistent approach to teaching the four operations in each year group.

Daily arithmetic sessions mean that children are able to build fluency and precision of the four operations. 

At the end of each academic year, year group teachers review and amend the Hayward's yearly overview for the following year and the blocks suggested on here are followed.

Parent workshops enable families to appropriately support their children.

Regular home learning is expected of the children. We use two platforms to support this learning: Hit The Button in Years 1 and 2 (aimed at developing the children’s rapid recall of key number facts) and TTRS in KS2 (aimed at developing the children’s rapid recall of key times tables facts).



  • Children believe that they will achieve
  • Children have the flexibility to move between different contexts and representations of maths
  • Children demonstrate a quick recall of year group-appropriate arithmetic facts
  • Children are positive in their conversations around maths
  • Children understand and are able to apply age-appropriate vocabulary
  • Children show a high level of pride in the presentation of their work
  • Most children achieve the expected standard for their year group
  • Most children make age-appropriate progress