Our Governors

Aims of the Governing Body 

  • To ensure that the aims of the school are embedded within the life of the school
  • To support all staff within school to ensure achievement and success within children’s learning
  • To develop an accurate picture of learning within school
  • To ensure the school uses its resources wisely and gives value for money
  • To ensure the school develops its links with the local community
  • To provide staff and children with a safe and happy environment in which to work and learn

Contacting the Governors 

If you’d like to contact the governors, please email them at sthresher@haywards.devon.sch.uk, or write to them c/o the school office. Or leave your phone number and a message with the school office and a governor will ring you.

Meet the Governors 

Nicola Frost - Chair

I’m a social scientist by background, and have worked in university departments and non-governmental organisations. I’m also an experienced writer and editor. I currently lead impact, insight and learning at Devon Community Foundation, based in Tiverton. I grew up in Crediton, and am a Hayward’s alumna myself. My three children have also attended the school. I am very proud of the staff and pupils at Hayward’s, and am passionate about working to keep improving our school. I've been Chair of Governors since September 2020.

Sally Yeo - Vice Chair 

I am Vice Chair of the board of governors and hold portfolio responsibilities for Safeguarding, SEND and School Council. 

Now retired but previously worked for the Devon Safeguarding Children Board (now the Devon Children and Families Partnership) as the Workforce Development Lead.  In my spare time I volunteer with Scouts delivering training both nationally and locally and I am a member of the team which deliver safeguarding training to trainers across the UK.  I am also a safeguarding trustee for two other charities.

Pamela Morris

I have been a governor at Haywards Primary School for the last 8 years, initially joining the team when my eldest child moved up to the high school and my youngest was in Key Stage 2. I felt it offered an opportunity to work with the school during a period of change of leadership and redevelopment. From my own professional working experience as a landscape architect,  I have a background in project development, management and community engagement which assists in helping to deliver my governor responsibilities. I currently work for the Environment Agency as a landscape specialist, working on their capital projects across the South West region. I hold the pupil premium and sports premium portfolio.

Joy Wilshire 

I am married with three grown up children. I moved to Crediton in 2005 from Chagford. Two of my children attended Hayward’s. I have been a school governor for over ten years now and also a teaching assistant in KS2. I hold two portfolios, one for SEND and one for data. I am committed to improving outcomes for all children, but especially to those who face additional challenges.

Di Evely

I hold portfolio responsibilities for Wellbeing, EYFS and Safeguarding. I work at Exeter College and support students working in placements across the county. I have one child in Year 6 and another child at the local secondary school. I have spent time working in a Pastoral role recently which has given me a really useful insight into life in school. I am a huge Liverpool fan and love spending time with my boys. 


Roselle Brenchley 

I am from Somerset originally and moved to Crediton in 2009. My two children are currently at Hayward's. I hold the Maths portfolio.

After being involved in student politics as a teenager, I went on to work in various roles in Universities and Colleges for over a decade. I have since moved on to work in professional education and training and I have also qualified as an Executive Coach.

I am really passionate about fair access to good quality education for all and continue to be interested in education, long since I've moved on from working in it. Becoming a Governor has given me the opportunity to put my experience, knowledge and interests to use and I'm pleased to be able to support Hayward's' development and growth.

Emma Heard

I am the staff governor, holding the English portfolio. Whilst I myself grew up in the Midlands, my husband’s family has a long history with Hayward's School. I have been a member of the school PTA, and work at the school as a teaching assistant. I look forward to continuing my involvement with the school community in my new role.

Marie Ashton

I live in Newton St Cyres with my husband and two children who both attend Hayward's. I work for a law firm in Exeter as an HR Consultant advising academies across the Westcountry on all HR Management issues giving procedural and strategic advice. I previously was a Trustee of one of the Crediton nurseries and I am enjoying being a part of, and contributing to, the good work of the Governing body. I am currently an associate governor.

Sandra Thresher 

I have been the Clerk to the Governors at Hayward's now for nine years and still find it an interesting and stimulating job. I came to it from an education background rather than an administrative one. As a retired former primary school teacher, I find it helpful in understanding the discussions in meetings and I still enjoy coming into that special Haywards’ school atmosphere.

My job is mainly to keep the Governors meetings operating smoothly, setting agendas and recording the minutes accurately. These are an important record of the Governors discussions and decisions. I am also responsible for keeping the governors’ contact details and other records, and liaising with the Governance Consultancy at DCC. You can find my contact details on the school website if there is any matter that concerns you and you wish to bring to the notice of the Governors.

Antonia Tregenza

As a governor I am especially interested in the arts - music, art and theatre. I am active in Holy Cross Church where I run the toddlers group, and I lead all age worship and messy church in some of the local villages. I studied Philosophy so like a good discussion. I used to work in Publishing, and then later in IT working on large company databases. I have a very small pug who is very friendly and extremely greedy. I hold the General Curriculum and Website portfolios.

Hertha Wood

As a governor I am on the Sustainability portfolio and the SEND portfolio. I work in renewable energy and I enjoy cycling and DIY. I have a young child at Hayward's and we are very pleased to be a part of this thriving school community.

Frances Parkinson

After teaching for 8 years I moved to work in education technology where my job is to support schools in implementing systems that have a positive impact on both students and teachers. In my spare time I love swimming, painting, and walking around the muddy fields of Crediton, and the beautiful coastline of Cornwall. I am an associate governor.

Hayward’s Governing Body membership 2023 - 24


Governor type

Term of Office

Elected/appointed Governors:  (5)



Roselle Brenchley

Local Authority


Di Evely


(Elected by parents)


Lee Avery


(Elected by parents)


Emma Heard 


(Elected by staff)



Andy Smith




Co-opted Governors: (7)



Pamela Morris


07/07/23 - 06/07/26

Antonia Tregenza


01/07/20 - 30/06/24

Joy Wilshire


07/07/23 - 06/07/26

Claire Barnard


21/09/22 - 20/09/26

Nicola Frost (Chair)


13/09/20 - 12/09/24

Sally Yeo (Vice Chair)


 20/09/21 - 19/09/25

Hertha Wood Co-opted 20/09/23 - 19/09/27


Total members of Full Governing Body = 12

Associate governors    
Marie Ashton   08/03/23

Frances Parkinson

