Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!

Your teachers this year are Mrs Saunders and Mrs Coren. We are supported with our learning by Mrs Sims and Miss Doohoo (Mrs Saunders' class) and Miss Pearce, Mrs Brooks and Mrs West  (Mrs Corens' class).  On Friday's Miss Morgan and Mrs Kingdom-Gunn teaches Mrs Saunders' class. 

A typical day includes early morning work, Read Write Inc Phonics and Reading, Maths, English and then Continuous Provision in our Year 1 outdoor area, alongside Challenge Curriculum time or PE, PSHE, RE, Computing, Science, Music etc.

As well as enjoying the learning in our outside area and in the classroom, we enjoy visiting Tanglewood, our forest school, with Mrs Hext and Miss Crone.

As you can see from our attached curriculum map, we have a lot to look forward to this year. So far this year we have been learning about History and the toys we played with when we were babies and toddlers. In Science, we have been learning about  Materials and are investigating the properties of some materials to see if we can make a waterproof hat for teddy bears going on a picnic. 

We are looking forward to continuing to see your child's progress over the year. 

A date for your diary is the week of Monday 9th June -Friday 13th June 2025 which is when the Phonics Screening check will be undertaken for Year 1. Here is an external link to the RWI guide to the Phonics Screen check